Ok, so I met an old friend of mine today who's 88, just like me. He has claws, barrows or ags.For God's sake, he donated 60 million to a friend earlier in the day. He told me tht he made all of tht out of bandos Gwd together with random folks whom he encounters there. Therefore, I'd appreciate advice and tips on gear, as well as other things. Also , do you have any requirements for GWD? These are my personal stats. I plan on meleeing. I risked 20k in wildy today, and got 800k in loot. But I would still rather that the gear doesn't exceed 2 mil. If you're honest, it's a little low to going to Bandos, wait until the minimum is at least 80+ in each combat statistic. I'm guessing that my friend has the exact same stats as I do.. And I definitely want to try it. Being a level-134 player myself as a player, I've seen it happen. experience a crash and a wreck. lost no matter where you go. Do it! Eadgars Ruse, for Trollheim Teleport. Also make sure you have at least 70 defense and be ready to be smashed within 5 minutes each time, everywhere, every team. hmm, il lvl def for torags. and i'm not sure how to conclude that if that was the scenario, my friend wouldn't have been able to get that kind of money. Have you maybe considered that your friend may have lied? LOOL it's true. Does this friend possibly say what her combat level was in the time she made this money? This is a common response to all 3. If you want to know more about RSorder, you can go to https://www.rsorder.com/old-school-rs-items
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